If you’ve never had a web hosting account or you are switching companies and the new one deploys an account administration interface that you haven’t seen so far, you may become confused about how to do a specific operation in your account or on your personal computer. That’s the reason why, many hosting companies have created a knowledge base, which enumerates the most popular enquiries and challenges pertaining to their platform, instead of adding only some general details. This type of knowledge base will allow you to find the required info quickly and easily, so you won’t have to commit a lot of time and effort to things that may require something as elementary as hitting a button or marking a check box. Thus, not only can you get things done, but you can also become aware of lots of new and helpful things, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Hosting

If you purchase a hosting plan through us, you will get access to our comprehensive online help documentation where you will find info about just about everything connected with our hosting services. The topics vary from how to create an email account on your handheld device, to how to do various things using an .htaccess config file. The articles are written in a simple-to-grasp fashion and offer elaborate guides on how to complete a particular operation within your Hepsia Control Panel. You can also find info that’s not directly associated with Hepsia, for instance one that concerns software apps on your PC. The full collection of articles will be available in the Control Panel’s Help section, but the ones that are relevant to a specific Control Panel section can be accessed on the spot. Given the fact that we’ve encompassed as many topics as possible, you will be able to find out pretty much everything about your web hosting account.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We’ve compiled an extensive knowledge base for all our present and prospective customers, so if you purchase a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you’ll be able to find any info that you need at any time. We’ve got an abundance of educational articles, which will help you understand better what’s going on in your account – "What is PHP?" and "What are file access permissions?" are just two examples. Our step-by-step guides will help you do anything you need – unpack an archive, import a database, forward a domain name, and so on. Also, we’ve also got troubleshooting instructions, which will allow you to find out what precipitates a given problem and the feasible solutions for it. If you are not able to send e-mails or your domain returns an HTTP 500 error message, for example, you can refer to our knowledge base and solve the problem instantaneously. You can access the articles through each section of the Control Panel, as well as through the all-inclusive Help section.